[C14] Towards Better Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms with Bi-directional Item Response Theory
Ziqi Xu, Chenglong Ma, Yongli Ren, Jeffrey Chan, Wei Shao and Feng Xia
In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (
WWW 2025)
Recommendation algorithms are typically evaluated on various datasets and compared against other algorithms employing diverse strategies. However, current evaluation practices predominantly rely on rank-based metrics, focusing solely on performance outcomes while overlooking the latent traits of datasets and recommendation algorithms. In this paper, we propose a bi-directional Item Response Theory (Bi-ReIRT) framework, which offers a fine-grained evaluation by simultaneously modelling the latent traits of recommendation algorithms (i.e., their ability) and datasets (i.e., their inherent challenges). This is the first work to apply the IRT framework for evaluating recommendation algorithms on the dataset level. The Bi-ReIRT framework enables visualisations of algorithms' performance across datasets with varying levels of inherent challenge. We conduct extensive experiments across a portfolio of recommendation algorithms and datasets, exploring the implications of key IRT parameters such as discrimination, difficulty, and ability. Moreover, the interpretability of these parameters provides deeper insights into the characteristics of both recommendation algorithms and datasets.
[C13] Fairness Evaluation with Item Response Theory
Ziqi Xu, Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi, Cheng Soon Ong and Eirini Ntoutsi
In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (
WWW 2025)
Item Response Theory (IRT) has been widely used in educational psychometrics to assess student ability, as well as the difficulty and discrimination of test questions. In this context, discrimination specifically refers to how effectively a question distinguishes between students of different ability levels, and it does not carry any connotation related to fairness. In recent years, IRT has been successfully used to evaluate the predictive performance of Machine Learning (ML) models, but this paper marks its first application in fairness evaluation. In this paper, we propose a novel Fair-IRT framework to evaluate a set of predictive models on a set of individuals, while simultaneously eliciting specific parameters, namely, the ability to make fair predictions (a feature of predictive models), as well as the discrimination and difficulty of individuals that affect the prediction results. Furthermore, we conduct a series of experiments to comprehensively understand the implications of these parameters for fairness evaluation. Detailed explanations for item characteristic curves (ICCs) are provided for particular individuals. We propose the flatness of ICCs to disentangle the unfairness between individuals and predictive models. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework as a fairness evaluation tool. Two real-world case studies illustrate its potential application in evaluating fairness in both classification and regression tasks. Our paper aligns well with the Responsible Web track by proposing a Fair-IRT framework to evaluate fairness in ML models, which directly contributes to the development of a more inclusive, equitable, and trustworthy AI.
[C12] Off-policy Evaluation for Multiple Actions in the Presence of Unobserved Confounders
Haolin Wang, Lin Liu, Jiuyong Li,
Ziqi Xu, Jixue Liu, Zehong Cao and Debo Cheng
In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (
WWW 2025)
Off-policy evaluation (OPE) is a crucial problem in reinforcement learning (RL), where the goal is to estimate the long-term cumulative reward of a target policy using historical data generated by a potentially different behaviour policy. In many real-world applications, such as precision medicine and recommendation systems, unobserved confounders may influence the action, reward, and state transition dynamics, which leads to biased estimates if not properly addressed. While existing methods for handling unobserved confounders in OPE focus on single-action settings, they are less effective in multi-action scenarios commonly found in practical applications, where an agent can take multiple actions simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a novel auxiliary variable-aided method for OPE in multi-action settings with unobserved confounders. Our approach overcomes the limitations of traditional auxiliary variable methods for multi-action scenarios by requiring only a single auxiliary variable, relaxing the need for as many auxiliary variables as the actions. Through theoretical analysis, we prove that our method provides an unbiased estimation of the target policy value. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that our estimator achieves better performance compared to existing baseline methods, highlighting its effectiveness and reliability in addressing unobserved confounders in multi-action OPE settings.
[J01] Disentangled Representation Learning for Causal Inference with Instruments
Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu,
Ziqi Xu, Weijia Zhang, Jixue Liu and Thuc Duy Le
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (
Latent confounders are a fundamental challenge for inferring causal effects from observational data. The instrumental variable (IV) approach is a practical way to address this challenge. Existing IV-based estimators need a known IV or other strong assumptions, such as the existence of two or more IVs in the system, which limits the application of the IV approach. In this article, we consider a relaxed requirement, which assumes there is an IV proxy in the system without knowing which variable is the proxy. We propose a variational autoencoder (VAE)-based disentangled representation learning method to learn an IV representation from a dataset with latent confounders and then utilize the IV representation to obtain an unbiased estimation of the causal effect from the data. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data have demonstrated that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing IV-based estimators and VAE-based estimators.
[C11] TSI: A Multi-view Representation Learning Approach for Time Series Forecasting
Wentao Gao,
Ziqi Xu, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Jixue Liu, Thuc Duy Le, Debo Cheng, Yanchang Zhao and Yun Chen
In Proceedings of the Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (
AJCAI 2024)
As the growing demand for long sequence time-series forecasting in real-world applications, such as electricity consumption planning, the significance of time series forecasting becomes increasingly crucial across various domains. This is highlighted by recent advancements in representation learning within the field. This study introduces a novel multi-view approach for time series forecasting that innovatively integrates trend and seasonal representations with an Independent Component Analysis (ICA)-based representation. Recognizing the limitations of existing methods in representing complex and high-dimensional time series data, this research addresses the challenge by combining TS (trend and seasonality) and ICA (independent components) perspectives. This approach offers a holistic understanding of time series data, going beyond traditional models that often miss nuanced, nonlinear relationships. The efficacy of TSI model is demonstrated through comprehensive testing on various benchmark datasets, where it shows superior performance over current state-of-the-art models, particularly in multivariate forecasting. This method not only enhances the accuracy of forecasting but also contributes significantly to the field by providing a more in-depth understanding of time series data. The research which uses ICA for a view lays the groundwork for further exploration and methodological advancements in time series forecasting, opening new avenues for research and practical applications.
[C10] Causal Inference with Conditional Front-Door Adjustment and Identifiable Variational Autoencoder
Ziqi Xu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Jixue Liu, Lin Liu, and Kui Yu
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations (
ICLR 2024)
An essential and challenging problem in causal inference is causal effect estimation from observational data. The problem becomes more difficult with the presence of unobserved confounding variables. The front-door adjustment is an approach for dealing with unobserved confounding variables. However, the restriction for the standard front-door adjustment is difficult to satisfy in practice. In this paper, we relax some of the restrictions by proposing the concept of conditional front-door (CFD) adjustment and develop the theorem that guarantees the causal effect identifiability of CFD adjustment. By leveraging the ability of deep generative models, we propose CFDiVAE to learn the representation of the CFD adjustment variable directly from data with the identifiable Variational AutoEncoder and formally prove the model identifiability. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets validate the effectiveness of CFDiVAE and its superiority over existing methods. The experiments also show that the performance of CFDiVAE is less sensitive to the causal strength of unobserved confounding variables. We further apply CFDiVAE to a real-world dataset to demonstrate its potential application.
[C09] Conditional Instrumental Variable Regression with Representation Learning for Causal Inference
Debo Cheng*,
Ziqi Xu*, Jiuyong Li, Jixue Liu, Lin Liu, and Thuc Duy Le
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations (
ICLR 2024)
This paper studies the challenging problem of estimating causal effects from observational data, in the presence of unobserved confounders. The two-stage least square (TSLS) method and its variants with a standard instrumental variable (IV) are commonly used to eliminate confounding bias, including the bias caused by unobserved confounders, but they rely on the linearity assumption. Besides, the strict condition of unconfounded instruments posed on a standard IV is too strong to be practical. To address these challenging and practical problems of the standard IV method (linearity assumption and the strict condition), in this paper, we use a conditional IV (CIV) to relax the unconfounded instrument condition of standard IV and propose a non-linear CIV regression with Confounding Balancing Representation Learning, CBRL.CIV, for jointly eliminating the confounding bias from unobserved confounders and balancing the observed confounders, without the linearity assumption. We theoretically demonstrate the soundness of CBRL.CIV. Extensive experiments on synthetic and two real-world datasets show the competitive performance of CBRL.CIV against state-of-the-art IV-based estimators and superiority in dealing with the non-linear situation.
[C08] Instrumental Variable Estimation for Causal Inference in Longitudinal Data with Time-Dependent Latent Confounders
Debo Cheng*,
Ziqi Xu*, Jiuyong Li, Jixue Liu, Lin Liu, Wentao Gao and Thuc Duy Le
In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (
AAAI 2024)
Causal inference from longitudinal observational data is a challenging problem due to the difficulty in correctly identifying the time-dependent confounders, especially in the presence of latent time-dependent confounders. Instrumental variable (IV) is a powerful tool for addressing the latent confounders issue, but the traditional IV technique cannot deal with latent time-dependent confounders in longitudinal studies. In this work, we propose a novel Time-dependent Instrumental Factor Model (TIFM) for time-varying causal effect estimation from data with latent time-dependent confounders. At each time-step, the proposed TIFM method employs the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture to infer latent IV, and then uses the inferred latent IV factor for addressing the confounding bias caused by the latent time-dependent confounders. We provide a theoretical analysis for the proposed TIFM method regarding causal effect estimation in longitudinal data. Extensive evaluation with synthetic datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of TIFM in addressing causal effect estimation over time. We further apply TIFM to a climate dataset to showcase the potential of the proposed method in tackling real-world problems.
[C07] Disentangled Representation for Causal Mediation Analysis
Ziqi Xu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Jixue Liu, Lin Liu and Ke Wang
In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (
AAAI 2023, Oral)
Estimating direct and indirect causal effects from observational data is crucial to understanding the causal mechanisms and predicting the behaviour under different interventions. Causal mediation analysis is a method that is often used to reveal direct and indirect effects. Deep learning shows promise in mediation analysis, but the current methods only assume latent confounders that affect treatment, mediator and outcome simultaneously, and fail to identify different types of latent confounders (e.g., confounders that only affect the mediator or outcome). Furthermore, current methods are based on the sequential ignorability assumption, which is not feasible for dealing with multiple types of latent confounders. This work aims to circumvent the sequential ignorability assumption and applies the piecemeal deconfounding assumption as an alternative. We propose the Disentangled Mediation Analysis Variational AutoEncoder (DMAVAE), which disentangles the representations of latent confounders into three types to accurately estimate the natural direct effect, natural indirect effect and total effect. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods and has strong generalisation ability. We further apply the method to a real-world dataset to show its potential application.
[C06] Causal Inference with Conditional Instruments Using Deep Generative Models
Debo Cheng*,
Ziqi Xu*, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Jixue Liu and Thuc Duy Le
In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (
AAAI 2023, Oral)
The instrumental variable (IV) approach is a widely used way to estimate the causal effects of a treatment on an outcome of interest from observational data with latent confounders. A standard IV is expected to be related to the treatment variable and independent of all other variables in the system. However, it is challenging to search for a standard IV from data directly due to the strict conditions. The conditional IV (CIV) method has been proposed to allow a variable to be an instrument conditioning on a set of variables, allowing a wider choice of possible IVs and enabling broader practical applications of the IV approach. Nevertheless, there is not a data-driven method to discover a CIV and its conditioning set directly from data. To fill this gap, in this paper, we propose to learn the representations of the information of a CIV and its conditioning set from data with latent confounders for average causal effect estimation. By taking advantage of deep generative models, we develop a novel data-driven approach for simultaneously learning the representation of a CIV from measured variables and generating the representation of its conditioning set given measured variables. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our method outperforms the existing IV methods.
[C05] Learning Conditional Instrumental Variable Representation for Causal Effect Estimation
Debo Cheng*,
Ziqi Xu*, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Thuc Duy Le and Jixue Liu
In Proceedings of the Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (
One of the fundamental challenges in causal inference is to estimate the causal effect of a treatment on its outcome of interest from observational data. However, causal effect estimation often suffers from the impacts of confounding bias caused by unmeasured confounders that affect both the treatment and the outcome. The instrumental variable (IV) approach is a powerful way to eliminate the confounding bias from latent confounders. However, the existing IV-based estimators require a nominated IV, and for a conditional IV (CIV) the corresponding conditioning set too, for causal effect estimation. This limits the application of IV-based estimators. In this paper, by leveraging the advantage of disentangled representation learning, we propose a novel method, named DVAE.CIV, for learning and disentangling the representations of CIV and the representations of its conditioning set for causal effect estimations from data with latent confounders. Extensive experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed DVAE.CIV method against the existing causal effect estimators.
[C04] Disentangled Representation with Causal Constraints for Counterfactual Fairness
Ziqi Xu, Jixue Liu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu and Ke Wang
In Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (
PAKDD 2023)
Much research has been devoted to the problem of learning fair representations; however, they do not explicitly state the relationship between latent representations. In many real-world applications, there may be causal relationships between latent representations. Furthermore, most fair representation learning methods focus on group-level fairness and are based on correlation, ignoring the causal relationships underlying the data. In this work, we theoretically demonstrate that using the structured representations enables downstream predictive models to achieve counterfactual fairness, and then we propose the Counterfactual Fairness Variational AutoEncoder (CF-VAE) to obtain structured representations with respect to domain knowledge. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better fairness and accuracy performance than the benchmark fairness methods.
[C03] Disentangled Latent Representation Learning for Tackling the Confounding M-Bias Problem in Causal Inference
Debo Cheng*, Yang Xie*,
Ziqi Xu*, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Jixue Liu, Yinghao Zhang and Zaiwen Feng
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (
ICDM 2023, Long paper)
In causal inference, it is a fundamental task to estimate the causal effect from observational data. However, latent confounders pose major challenges in causal inference in observational data, for example, confounding bias and M-bias. Recent data-driven causal effect estimators tackle the confounding bias problem via balanced representation learning, but assume no M-bias in the system, thus they fail to handle the M-bias. In this paper, we identify a challenging and unsolved problem caused by a variable that leads to confounding bias and M-bias simultaneously. To address this problem with co-occurring M-bias and confounding bias, we propose a novel Disentangled Latent Representation learning framework for learning latent representations from proxy variables for unbiased Causal effect Estimation (DLRCE) from observational data. Specifically, DLRCE learns three sets of latent representations from the measured proxy variables to adjust for the confounding bias and M-bias. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and three real-world datasets demonstrate that DLRCE significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art estimators in the case of the presence of both confounding bias and M-bias.
[C02] A Data-Driven Approach to Finding K for K Nearest Neighbor Matching in Average Causal Effect Estimation
Tingting Xu, Yinghao Zhang, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu,
Ziqi Xu, Debo Cheng and Zaiwen Feng
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (
WISE 2023)
In causal inference, a fundamental task is to estimate causal effects using observational data with confounding variables. K Nearest Neighbor Matching (K-NNM) is a commonly used method to address confounding bias. However, the traditional K-NNM method uses the same K value for all units, which may result in unacceptable performance in real-world applications. To address this issue, we propose a novel nearest-neighbor matching method called DK-NNM, which uses a data-driven approach to searching for the optimal K values for different units. DK-NNM first reconstructs a sparse coefficient matrix of all units via sparse representation learning for finding the optimal K value for each unit. Then, the joint propensity scores and prognostic scores are utilized to deal with high-dimensional covariates when performing K nearest-neighbor matching with the obtained K value for a unit. Extensive experiments are conducted on both semi-synthetic and real-world datasets, and the results demonstrate that the proposed DK-NNM method outperforms the state-of-the-art causal effect estimation methods in estimating average causal effects from observational data.
[C01] Assessing Classifier Fairness with Collider Bias
Zhenlong Xu*,
Ziqi Xu*, Jixue Liu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu and Ke Wang
In Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (
PAKDD 2022)
The increasing application of machine learning techniques in everyday decision-making processes has brought concerns about the fairness of algorithmic decision-making. This paper concerns the problem of collider bias which produces spurious associations in fairness assessment and develops theorems to guide fairness assessment avoiding the collider bias. We consider a real-world application of auditing a trained classifier by an audit agency. We propose an unbiased assessment algorithm by utilising the developed theorems to reduce collider biases in the assessment. Experiments and simulations show the proposed algorithm reduces collider biases significantly in the assessment and is promising in auditing trained classifiers.